jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

Latin American Counseling Fundamental Postulates



Transitional Ethical Sense of Life Confluent Model:


Latin American Network of Counseling  Professionals (RELAPRO).[1]

Marzo 20  / 2022

Translation by : George Vera PhD:


Msc.Amilkar A. Brunal



The School Guidance/Counseling & Counseling Model1, “Transitional Ethical Sense of Life Confluent Model”, aims to respond to Latin Americans' social and educational needs from the perspective of the human development scale (Max-Neef, 1993). It does not ignore the epistemological origins of the field (Parsons, 1903), nor does it exclude thinkers from other latitudes that are considered culturally appropriate. This pedagogical-oriented Model's main objective is to facilitate the construction of the ethical sense of life understood in all types of Counselors and educational communities, such as community development, intrapersonal, and interpersonal and academic awareness (SWOT aptitude). The ancestral cultures of the Abya – Yala traditional territory (land of Pujanza) and Ubuntu: I am because I belong ”(sub-Saharan Africa) inspired this Model. Likewise, Cortina’s (XX) view of ethics, H.Maturana (XX) and Savater (XX) nurtured the counseling and guidance understanding of Life in Community. Its ontological bases from which the subjective construction of Being is raised in a confluent way from the objective existential dimensions (Being: Having + Doing + Being) and sociological in the theory of Human

Scale Development  (Max-Neef), which is Interpreted as Supradiscipline. The Model psychological bases are inspired by Winnicott's biopsychosocial concept of “Transitionality,” principles of positive psychology, and the theory of multiple intelligence (Gardner and Goleman). Socratic maieutics, the Teaching for Comprehension (EPC) principles, Ausubel's significant learning, and conceptual Pedagogy (Zubirìa and Zubirìa) are integrated into the Model pedagogical bases. These are applied in the pedagogical Project “Synapse” (Counseling and Guidance Line for academic life).


Key Words: Transitional Counseling/Guidance, Confluent Guidance, Ethical Sense of Life


Se construye este modelo de Orientación educativa, que busca dar respuesta a las necesidades sociales y educativas de Latinoaméricanos  desde la perspectiva del desarrollo a escala humana (Max-Neef,1993), que no desconoce los orígenes epistemológicos del campo(Parsons,1903), ni excluye pensadores de otras latitudes que se consideren pertinentes. Este modelo pedagógico de Orientaciòn, establece como objetivo fundamental, facilitar la construcción del sentido ético de vida entendido en todo tipo de Orientantes y comunidades educativas, como el desarrollo de la conciencia comunitaria, la consciencia intrapersonal e interpersonal, y la consciencia académica (aptitudinal DOFA). Sienta sus bases Ético-filosóficas en la ética de las culturas ancestrales del territorio ancestral Abya–Yala (tierra de Pujanza) y Ubuntu: I am because I belong”(África subsahariana), la concepción ética de Cortina, H. Maturana y Savater aplicada principalmente en la línea de Orientación para la Vida en comunidad. Sus bases ontológicas desde donde se plantea la construcción subjetiva del SER de manera confluente a partir de las dimensiones existenciales objetivables(SER: Tener+Hacer+Estar) y sociológicas en la teoría del Desarrollo a Escala Humana del teórico chileno Manfred Max-Neef (Interpretado como Supradisciplina); Las bases Psicológicas principales se derivan de las interpretaciones del concepto de “Transicionalidad” biopsicosocial de Winnicott , principios de la psicología positiva, la teoría de las inteligencia múltiples (Gardner y Goleman)y sus bases pedagógicas de la mayéutica socrática, principios de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión (E.P.C), el aprendizaje significativo de Ausubel, la Pedagogía conceptual(Zubirìa y Zubirìa) aplicados en el Proyecto pedagógico, “Sinapsis” (Línea de Orientación para la vida académica).

Palabras Clave: Orientación Transicional, Orientación Confluente,Sentido Ético de

la  Vida




Based on various published reflections of the principal founder of RELAPRO, Dr. Julio González Bello (Ven) and in turn presented in multiple academic spaces (International Congress Cartagena, Colombia, 2011 and the International Guidance Congress in Costa Rica, 50 years of the Guidance (San Juan, 2014), (which simultaneously became the origin of the Latin American Journal of Guidance and Human Development "OrientAcciòn"), about the need to create our models of Counseling based on an epistemological vision from the so-called " Global South” provided by colleagues from Uruguay, among others, the analysis of the results of eleven (11) Latin American

Counseling Surveys in which counselors from almost all Latin American countries develop the field from different perspectives (psychological, pedagogical, sociological), the




proposals presented to the Guidance Congress:

"Approaches, Models, and Guidance Strategies in Latin America" (Buenos  Aires, 2017), the contributions of the base document for Guidance in Mexico (1993) and the article "TOWARDS A LATIN AMERICAN MODEL OF

EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE" by Maestro. José Nava  Ortiz (Mex) (revistaorientaccion.blogspot.com (2021), at the time president of the Mexican Association of Guidance Professionals (AMPO), in addition to cultural elements taken from ancestral philosophies such as the African philosophy "Ubuntu" presented by Max Sefotho (South Africa) and the Amerindian cultures of "Abya-Yala"

(Living Well) presented by colleagues Mónica Valencia (Ecuador) and Elsa Tovar Cortez (Col) that limits the term "Nosòtricas cultures" to refer to the importance of community in ancestral cultures, correlated with contemporary models of social development (capitalism and socialism).


This Model of Educational Counseling is built (social constructionism) in the search to respond to the bio-psycho-social and educational needs of Latin American educational communities from the perspective of development on a human scale (Max-Neef, 1993); it ignores the epistemological origins of the field (Parsons, 1903), nor does it exclude thinkers from other latitudes who are considered relevant to the Transitional Counseling for the Ethical Sense of Life (RELAPRO) model.

The question then arises as to the central axis of research, about the role and Meaning that Educational Guidance needs to build in the 21st century, taking into account these aforementioned macrosocial factors.

Max Sefotho (2017) provides the concepts of Counseling for life that facilitate conceptually centering all the scattered actions of the field and later elements of the Ubuntu philosophy (2020): "I am because I belong" (I am because I belong, I am in the community). This base category (Counseling for life) will later be subdivided between this Model into me. Orientation for Life in Community (Community Awareness), changing the emphasis in the psychological approach on individual factors: introspective (Self-schemas:

Self-esteem, Self-Image, Self-realization) and intrapersonal (Skills and emotions) that has traditionally been assumed as a primary aspects of the Educational Orientation due to the emphasis on the socio-community approach that emphasizes the "Sense of Belonging" following the aforementioned ancestral philosophies (Ubuntu and Good

Living of Abya -Yala).


The alternative to Neoliberalism, It's called Consciousness." José De Saramago


II.            In the category “Guidance for Academic/Work-Life,” the topics of “Vocational/professional and Socio-occupational Guidance, as well as the transversal academic Guidance designed for the qualification of transversal communication.

III.          In skills to the academic and work world (Synapsis Project) are included.in the study category "Guidance for Interpersonal Life" (Microsocial Level), the development of topics such as worldviews and personal emotions, resilience and compound social skills such as Alterity-assertive and Leadership- will be included. Empathetic, focused on the concept of "Attitudinal Awareness" (defined according to the Model's own glossary) related to the construction of life projects.

However, in the transcend research, the typical mechanical instrumentality of the field (work and jobs according to Harendt), we have proposed to base our work philosophically, delving into the fundamental concept of the Model: "Life."

“There are two ways to live life:

One is to think that nothing is a miracle

And the other is to think that everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein

We chose in this Model to assume it from the "Human Action" (A. Harendt) as a

"sublimable transcendental phenomenon."


Postulate 0

Life is the transitional space for excellence, made up of multiple social learning areas,            which can     be conceptually        constructed   as        a supernatural phenomenon that can be sublimated with an Ethical sense.

Regarding ethical reflection, we returned to the ancestral Amerindian philosophy of the ancestral territory "Abya-Yala" and its philosophy of Good Living, principles of social coexistence, by high moral performances summarized as, such as, "Do not lie, Do not steal and Do not being idle” that is of vital importance both in the daily circumstances of interpersonal relationships and in work situations mediated by professional ethics, evidenced in honesty in professional-commercial relationships with the community that have an impact equally at the state and global levels.

In a complementary way, we assimilate in this Model the concept of ethics (proposed by the Chilean author Humberto Maturana in his work "The sense of the Human[2]") as "concern for the consequences that human actions have on others, recognized as legitimate subjects for coexistence within the category of


To clarify the relationships between morality and ethics, we turn to Savater's reflections [3] when he states that morality is the set of behaviors and norms that people with similar thoughts accept as valid; while «ethics» is defined as the reflection on the validation criteria that we use and the comparison with other


This theme is anchored in this Model in the concept of "Social

The alternative to Neoliberalism is called Consciousness”.

José De Saramago


On the other hand, paraphrasing Adela Cortina from the definitions of ethics of Maturana and Savater, on the supra category of "development on a Human scale (Max-Neef), we agree with the statement that at the global level, more and more evident the need for one (universal concern for others), which guides with criteria (agreed), the economic, technological and political processes in the sense of authentic progress (Development on a human scale). (Cortina,Matura,Savater,Max-Neef)

Another principle related to life, which we consider fundamental in this Model, is what we call the "Principle of proactivity (POSTULATION No. 1), whose purpose is to propose intentionality and directionality for the life trajectories that can be undertaken:

From the Ubuntu philosophy it reads:


“The Sankofa bird is not stuck in the past, as it keeps moving forward while looking back to assess the egg at its beak, which denotes the future.”



While from Western philosophy, Kierkegaard poses it as follows: Life can only be understood by looking back, but it must be lived looking forward

Sören Kierkegaard


Postulate No. 2. “Transitional Guidance (Brunal, 2014). The construction of the Meaning of Life” (based on approaches by D. Winncot) implies accepting that the construction of meaning is produced through the transitional processes that are experienced both in social life and in academic life.

Applying the Principle of Transitionality to education, we establish that the most promising moments to carry out Guidance processes with humanly transcendental effects may be the transitional spaces between educational cycles. The community is more sensitive to receiving information and training to qualify these processes.

POSTULATE No. 3. Structure of Social Life

On the other hand, concerning the epistemological conceptualization of Social Life, we take as a basis the theory of Human needs of Manfred Max-Neef, who states that life is structured based on the universal existential needs (Dimensions) (BE: Have + Do + Be) interrelated with the axiological-value needs (Subsistence, Protection, Affection, Understanding, Identity, Participation, Creation, Recreation) adding the need for "Communication" functionally differentiated from an infinity of satisfiers product of the consumer society in the let it live.

In this way, life needs to be given meaning based on the approach of social constructionism and reviewing Viktor Frankl's postulates (cited by Yelixa Rios, 2017).

“You have to give life a meaning,

for the very fact that


Henry Miller

POSTULATE Nº4. Construction of Sense

The meaning of life is not discovered; it is socially constructed.

The fundamental objective of the Transitional Guidance consists of pedagogically advising the human development in the educational communities from the existential construction of the meaning. Postulate No. 5. Existential Negotiation

The structure of the importance of life involves a process of existential negotiation

(conflict) between social duty and wanting to “Be” to achieve the power to

“Be,” which allows all the axiological-existential needs to be fulfilled.

Between "doing what you want" (desire) and "doing what you should" (moral),

there is the alternative of “doing what you can” (necessity).

The need is of the order of power and production...”




Postulate      No.      6.      Synergistic


The     realization     of         the axiological-existential needs must be developed in a synergistic-confluent

resources of people for the construction of a long-term life project.

When asked, Where is it necessary to Be/Belong or to mobilize, to carry out the axiological needs and build the meaning of life? We propose the

way,    optimizing     the    limited     vital

the following postulate in the context of constructing the meaning of life from the dimension "BE (Coexist, transit, interact, belong) as a dynamic dimension par excellence.

Postulate No. 7. Self-determined Life Trajectories   and     Community


Life trajectories (D.M. Méndez, 2021) can be self-determined based on broad characterizations of the potentialities and opportunities offered by base communities, based on the realization of axiological-existential needs in the short and medium-term.

"Not Man, but men inhabit this planet.

Plurality is the law of the Earth.»

Hanna Arendt's The Life of the Spirit


Postulate No. 8. Construction of Meaning from the “DO” dimension

8.1 Projects with an ecological character and Social responsibility (RESO)—Silvia Gabriela Vázquez (Argentina, 2021)[4]

Based on the ethical, efficient, and effective administration of community resources (To be) that guarantee sustainability, the appropriate development of personal potentialities (To have) and the task, it is possible to build life projects with a sense of belonging.

8.2 The academic work (Do) mediated by communication skills (Oral and written critical comprehension and oral and written expression) is transversal to both the school world and the world of work and is qualified based on personal self-regulation based on the specific demands of the medium (Aptitudinal

Awareness or DOFA-type awareness according to strategic planning).

Postulate No. 9. Construction of Meaning from the dimension "HAVE" Potential Resources (Have). Although it seems evident that potential economic resources are necessary to develop life projects, developing personal human potential and exhaustively exploring the institutional opportunities of base communities is considered even more of a priority than establishing budgets for the construction of life projects and the tracing of specific trajectories.


Postulate No. 10. Confluent Construction of Meaning.

We propose in summary that the "Sense of Life" can be built from the three existential dimensions offered by Max-Neef (BE: Have + Do + Be), based on the ethical-aesthetic, self-determined, synergistic, and sustainable realization of the axiological-existential human needs, based on the construction of solidary, ecological-sustainable life projects and with social responsibility, in the search to BE aware of the importance of the community that sustains us, to fully develop the personal academic-labour potentialities, translated as aptitude awareness (DO) and have an interpersonal understanding that demonstrates the recognition of the incidence of personal attitudes (worldviews) that converge in all areas of social life.




RELAPRO Marzo / 2022


Brunal, A. (febrero 2021) Números disponibles de la Revista Orientación y Desarrollo Humano : OrientAcciòn” disponibles en: Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano “OrientAcción” .[Entrada en un bloghttps://revistaorientaccion.blogspot.com/2020/03/numeros-revista-latinoameric ana-de.html

Brunal, A.  (29 de abril del 2018). Orientación Transicional para el Sentido de la Vida. [entrada en un blog]. Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo

Humano “OrientAcción”. .[Entrada            en            un            blog           Disponible

en https://revistaorientaccion.blogspot.com/2018/04/orientacion-para-la-vidaactiva-completo.html

Brunal, A. (15 de junio de 2019). Propuestas Foro Latinoamericano “Orientación para el sentido de Vida”. República Dominicana. Revista Latinoamericana de Orientación y Desarrollo Humano “OrientAcción” .[Entrada en un blog].Disponible en https://relapro2020.blogspot.com/2019/06/propuesta-foro-latinoamericano. html

.: Glosario del Modelo Latinoamericano Orientación Transicional para el Sentido Ético de la Vida (revistaorientaccion.blogspot.com)

Max-Neef, M & Antonio Elizalde, A y Hoppenhayn, M, M, M (2005) Desarrollo a Escala Humana.

Disponible en: http://www.neticoop.org.uy/IMG/pdf/DesEscalaHumana.pdf

1. For the purposes of this article, counseling and guidance are used interchangeable

2 https://relapro2020.blogspot.com/p/postulados-fundamentales-del-modelo.html


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